Hartford Sports & Recreation Department
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Louis J. Metzner Center - Multi-Purpose Community Room


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Louis J. Metzner Center
Multi-Purpose Community Room

= Unavailable     = Available

Facility Area Information

680 Franklin Avenue
Hartford, CT 06114

Contact: Daria Ayers  Phone: (860) 549-3464
Status: Partial
Reservations are for COH departments & local 501(c)(3) non-profits

Log In to Reserve

501c3 Information
Any 501c3 eligible for a facility reservation must submit the required documentation within 2 weeks of the requested date.

  • Center Usage Application*
  • Organization Certificate of Insurance*
  • Organization Tax exemption certificate*
Copies of the Center Usage Application and Minimum Insurance Requirements can be found below in the "Additional Files" section
*Email the required documents to Daria Ayers.

Facility Rental Guidelines

Sports & Recreation Administration staff must sign off on all applications for request to be considered approved.

Facility rental forms are located online at hartfordct.myrec.com. Application requests will be filled on a first-come first served basis. Based on the availability of space, financial impact, and providing the applicants activities will not conflict with the department’s regular operations and activities. All requests will be processed for approval two weeks prior to event date.

City sponsored programs receive first priority at all times. Should a City sponsored program require use of reserved facility, every effort will be made to find you a suitable replacement facility. Should the City be unable to do so however, the City reserves the right to cancel your reservation. Any fees remitted will be fully refunded.

Emergency Shelters
Arroyo Center and Parker Community Center are designated by the City as Emergency Shelters. As such, in the event it is determined that one of those centers has to be activated as a shelter, the shelter takes precedence over and any and all scheduled activities. All functions will be cancelled during the period the shelter is active. Notice of this will be made at the earliest possible time, however, advance notice is not always possible. Please keep this in mind when you are making these arrangements. If there is no way you can reschedule or cancel your activity, then these centers are not the best venue for your activity.

Events, activities, functions that are expecting over 50 attendees, may be required to get an Assembly Permit from the Department of License and Inspections.

Depending on the activity, function, or event, the City’s Risk Manager may determine that it is necessary for an applicant to provide insurance and name the City as an additional insured. If this occurs it will be the responsibility of the applicant to provide the appropriate documentation to the City prior to the event.

If the event is open to the general public, the permittee is planning on serving any food they must secure a temporary food permit from the Health Division.

The applicant is liable for all damages incurred during its use. The cost of repairing such damage will be billed to the applicant

NO inflatables of any kind (rented or personal) are allowed on or in Sports & Recreation Department properties. This includes but is not limited to; bounce houses, slides, and/or obstacle courses.

Personal Property
Sports & Recreation Dept. is not responsible for loss or theft of personal property, or rented items brought on premises by the Permittee, guests, or persons acting under the direction of the Permittee. Any rented items left on the premises for pick-up are at Permitte’s own risk.

Code of Conduct
No monetary transactions i.e. : admission charges, donations, ticket sales, or product sales of any nature, are permitted during, or in connection with, events held on/in Sports & Rec. Dept. facilities. All facilities use will not be allowed for the purpose of making a profit unless authorized by a Council Resolution. The applicant is responsible to seek the Resolution from the Court of Common Council.

All activities held within and/or about any facility shall be in compliance with existing City Ordinances, Laws, and State Statutes.

There is absolutely NO SMOKING and NO PETS with the exception of licensed service animals, allowed on the premises.

The sale, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages is not permitted, unless authorized by a Council Resolution. The applicant is responsible to seek the Resolution from the Court of Common Council

The Sports & Recreation Department is an equal opportunity provider. NO discrimination of any kind will be tolerated during, or in connection with events held on/in Sports & Rec. Dept. facilities.

Supervision- ALL parties, events or activities for anyone under the age of 21 must be supervised and chaperoned from beginning to end with an adequate amount of adult chaperones to be able to handle any problem, situation or emergency. Recommended ratio is 10/1.
At least one representative of the Department of Sports and Recreation shall be present at the Centers when they are in use.

Photo Release Agreement
Permitee understands and agrees that all photos taken in / on Sports and Rec.’s facility grounds are the property of The City of Hartford and may be used in any or all City publications,

Rental Facility Conditions

Condition of Premises- The premises is furnished on an “as-is” basis. This applies to all heating, lighting, and cooling. No extra furnishings i.e. tables, chairs, or other can/nor will be provided.
Set Up/Breakdown of Event- The Permittee is only allowed on site during the time for which they reserved. Please allow for approximately 1 hour for set- up and 1 hour for break- down as part of your event. The facility is rented “as is” basis and does not include set up of tables and chairs. SPORTS & RECREATION STAFF IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SET UP OR CLEAN UP OF YOUR EVENT.

Permittee is fully and solely responsible for cleaning the premises and returning it to the condition existing prior to the event. All garbage and debris from the event must be removed from the premises. All tables and chairs must be returned to their original location. Sports & Rec. Dept. shall provide trash receptacles and trash bags for the room(s), but the Permittee is fully responsible for removing all the trash from the premises.

Absolutely NO nails, thumb tacks, staples, etc. are allowed to be attached to walls, chairs or tables. This is to prevent damage to the building and its equipment. NO helium balloons are allowed in the gym.

Available Add-ons & Furniture
Add-on's must be requested during the booking process in the "Request Information" section.
  • Microphones (2)
  • PTZ Video conferencing camera
  • 98" Video display
The requesting department/organization is responsible for the setup and breakdown of the available furniture and the space used.
  • 10 Rolling Tables
  • 120 plastic/metal Chairs
  • 11 soft cushion Chairs

Fee Schedule
Reservation of Recreation Center spaces are for City of Hartford Departments and local 501c3 non-profits only. 

  • Requests submitted will be processed on a first come first serve basis.
  • A reservation will not be approved until all required documentation is received and reviewed for accuracy.
  • You will receive an email confirming an approval or denial of your request.

Reservations & Activities

Click on an activity name for details or the date for the activity schedule.


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